Product Designer

Hello, I am Arun Jacob, currently Designer at Adobe.
Previously with Petrolink & IdentityMine where I helped brands like Microsoft, Intel, Nike, Jeppesen, Pizza Hut, Schneider Electric & many more design new products to meet people’s evolving digital lifestyles.


In the last few years I have collaborated and worked on projects for Intel, Microsoft, Pizza Hut, Plex, Sling TV, Rhapsody, CSC, NCR, Micros, Qello, Redbox, TMZ, UPS, Starwood etc. Also was a part of Identitymine's - Premium Partner of Microsoft - team for Research and Development in the field of Mixed Reality (MR) technology - testing the Hololens and Oculus Rift platforms.

My Approach


Basic Principle 'Always Validate - Never Assume'. Before I start making decisions about user experience and creative direction, I do the research for a smoother process and strong project foundation.

Information Architecture

Design and structure shared information environment to increase usability and to shape data hierarchy. Steps involves Competitive Analysis, creating Mental Model, Task Analysis, Red Route Analysis, Storyboards etc

Wireframing & IxD

Define the user flow using wireframes and flow charts in order to engage a user, motivate him to interact, and ensure positive emotional feedbacks. Learnability, consistency, predictability are the factors I value this step.


A great idea in mind - want to check whether it would work with real people - Prototype it. An important step in designing any product is making sure it feels right. I test specific actions and make sure they behave as users would expect.

User Testing

There's a fine line between being realistic and obscure, when it comes to ideas all the time. Testing helps me to see how users interact with the prototype, ensuring they work fine in the real world.

UI Design

All of the previous work now accumulated into fancy and pleasant visual identity. I will define a creative direction for the product - styles, colors, and general feel based on key values.

Integrating Front End

Once the Design is finalized, I will integrate it to a working product with the best HTML and CSS practices. Its always great to see the product coming alive with a bit of jQuery too.

– Tools I use
  • Sketch
  • - Adobe CS
  • - Invision
  • -Principle App
  • -Sublime Text
  • -Balsamiq Mockups
  • -Axure
  • -etc
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